Monday, March 16, 2009


Demographics for Algiers, LA

Algiers' total population pre-Katrina, according to the census, was 28,385.

45.9 of that was male;

54.1 was female.

The average age is 29.6.

The population for children under 5 was 2,515.

18 and over was 19,204.

65 and over was 2,839.

Race wise, whites make up 21.8 of the population, while African-Americans make up 73.6.

Native Americans and Alaskan Natives are 0.3 of the population. Hawaiians barely registered, and Latino/as make up 4.3 percent.

The average household size is 2.68; the average family size is 3.41.

The total housing units in Algiers was 12,351. 83.9 of that is occupied, and 16.1 is vacant.

40.6 of those units are owned by home owners, while 59.4 are rented.

Socially speaking, 72.3% are high school graduates, and 14.3% hold at least a Bachelor's degree.

The married population is 41.2 percent male, and 33.2 are female.

Economically, 56.5% are in the labor force.

Families that are below the poverty level are at 30.3%; individuals below the poverty level are 35.3%.

The population of Algiers may have increase tremendously since Hurricane Katrina. What I found interesting was how the African-American population, the female population and the 18 and over population was high. I was also shocked at the married male population. Could a chunk of the population consist of young African American single mothers below the poverty line? That's my guess.

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